Thursday, January 14, 2010

Today is My Birthday

I am another year older today.But I don't feel it. I had alot of Birthday Wishes.And best Of All-My Daugherinlaw went to the hospital for a procedure and everything went well. She is on the road to recovery. Prayers are really answered. Thanks to all my friends and family. Hugs!!! Justa


  1. Happy Birthday Justa! Sounds like it was a wonderful day! Glad that daughter in law had a good day too! Let Ralph spoil you just a teensy bit, okay? You know...dinner, flowers, jewelry, new car, that kind of thing! Big hugs, and again, Happy Birthday!

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Justa- hope it was a good one! :O) Glad things went well for you dil as well!

  3. happy birthday Justa!...hugs, Valerie

  4. Happy Happy Birthday a few days late! So glad you stopped by my blog ~ Please visit often!

    Happy PS!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents
